U. Xenohakhia Genus Bosaquatica - Crab
No Biome
Uncommon / Aquatic / Always Active
Discovered by Serrien2070 on June 7th, 2023 2170F31306C6
Galaxy: - System: - Planet:
Primary ColorSecondary Color
Produces Crab Apple
Meat Leg Meat
Behavior: Peaceful
Diet: Water Vines
Weight: 98.7 kg - Height: 1.9 m
U. Xenohakhia was found deep in the toxic waters of planet lnzak 32/D1 They appear to be peaceful creatures, happily socialising both within their species and without. Scavengers, they feed upon the soft downward drift of plankton; feasting upon the dying remains of tiny organisms.
Additional Observations: Flexible joints
Can be tamed when lured to land or when touching the ocean floor while feeding.