Genus Procavaquatica - Swimming Rodent
No. of Reports based on percentage of 7098 reports
Biomes recorded
Lush (30%)
Barren (2.5%)
Exotic (0%)
Mega Exotic (15%)
Scorched (5%)
Frozen (22.5%)
Toxic (12.5%)
Irradiated (2.5%)
Marsh (7.5%)
Volcanic (0%)
Dead (0%)
Diet Recorded: Algal particulates, Coral, Decayed plant life, Deepwater algae, Deepwater spores, Drifting plants, High in calcium, Kelp sacs, Living sponges, Marine detritus, Marine snow, Nibbles at moss, Nutritious water weeds, Plankton, Rotten wood, Seaweed, Vented minerals, Water filtration, Water vines