Genus Agnelis - Bird
No. of Reports based on percentage of 7379 reports
Biomes recorded
Lush (26.49%)
Barren (10.27%)
Exotic (0.12%)
Mega Exotic (8.79%)
Scorched (7.43%)
Frozen (14.98%)
Toxic (11.63%)
Irradiated (8.29%)
Marsh (7.43%)
Volcanic (4.21%)
Dead (0%)
Diet Recorded: , Absorbed nutrients, Algae, Cadmium, Cave marrow, Collects seeds, Condensed Carbon, Di-hydrogen crystals, Digs for tubers, Echinocactus, Emeril, Faeces, Faecium, Flowers, Foliage, Foraged nuts, Fresh leaves, Frostwort, Fungal Cluster, Gamma Weed, Grass, Gravitino balls, Indium, Kelp Sac, Kelp sacs, Mordite roots, Mostly rocks, Nectar, Nibbles at shoots, NipNip buds, Oxide elements, Petals, Plant roots, Pollen, Processes dirt, Rotting fruit, Small trees, Solar Vines, Star Bramble, Stinging leaves, Tall grasses, Vegetation